One-to-One Coaching with d'bi.young anitafrika (12 one-hour sessions)


One-to-One Coaching with d'bi.young anitafrika (12 one-hour sessions)


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The Life-Guide Residency (coaching) is offered in a series of 12 sessions per program, giving the practitioner time to achieve the milestones they set for themselves over a defined period of time.

Are you an artist, educator, healer, activist, student and/or practitioner humxn being, on any path of life who desires decolonial growth and change (psycho-emotionally, spiritually, socio-politically, and/or creatively)? Want to have a Coaching session about your life, current challenges and how to integrate them into your daily flow? These sessions are an hour long space for the practitioner to (re)evaluate, (re)centre and (re)harmonise. Using the Anitafrika Method, d’bi.young supports the practitioner in (re)embodying presence, purpose and resonance while navigating current challenges.

The Anitafrika Method is an integrative, critically-reflexive, trauma-informed, decolonial-Black-feminist framework created by d’bi.young anitafrika. It is practitioner-centred-arts-based intervention that nurtures self-transformation, creative expression & community embodiment. Fundamental principles of the praxis are Self-Knowledge, Politics, Orality, Language, Rhythm, Urgency, Sacredness, Integrity and Experience, explored through the Physical, Emotional, Mental, Creative, Exchange, Spiritual, Community, Energy, and Earth Bodies.

Rooted in the emancipatory Dub Poetry & Dubbin Theatre that emerged out of Jamaica in the 1980s, the method is directly influenced by Anita Stewart’s 1985 Drama School dissertation entitled Dubbin Theatre: Moving Dub Poetry Into a Theatrical Realm. Practitioners move through an integrative psychosomatic process of introspection; metabolising past experiences of pain while applying critical-reflexivity to deepen awareness of self and how one positions socio-culturally and politically, in relation to others. These discoveries catalyse personal and professional growth that culminate in biomyth artistic formulations.

Anitafrika Method applications include personal, professional and community development in transformation, actualisation, playmaking/playwriting, solo performance, visual and performing arts, dramaturgy, drama therapy, conflict resolution, transformational justice, health intervention, anti-racist and anti-oppression facilitation, decolonising curricula, critical pedagogy and community building. Click here read more about the Anitafrika Method.

d’bi.young anitafrika is an African-Jamaican-Canadian London-based Dub Poet, Theatre Interventionist and Decolonial Scholar who is committed to creating and nurturing art that ritualises acts of transformation from violence inflicted upon the people and the planet. Click here to read d’bi.young anitafrika’s complete bio.

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