blood.claat (sankofa trilogy part 1)

bloodclaat by d'bi.young anitafrika.jpg
bloodclaat by d'bi.young anitafrika.jpg

blood.claat (sankofa trilogy part 1)


Educational Streaming License One-Time Use

blood.claat is a story of womxn and blood; life blood and death blood as experienced through the journey of fifteen-year-old mudgu sankofa. shx is surrounded by a legacy of personalities: from granny to auntie to njoni black to stamma to ogun and to pearl johnson, who all relate to blood on their own terms. mudgu negotiates gender, class, race, and sexuality through hxr intimate relationship with hxr own blood. the inevitable nature of cycles makes blood.claat a resistance to colonial oppression. a ceremonial dance. a liberashun chant. a long dub poem. dub theatre embodied.

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