The Blackwood is a contemporary art centre at the University of Toronto Mississauga dedicated to open, public research. This new microsite hosts The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge serial broadsheet publication, as we prepare to launch a new Blackwood website in fall 2020.
This special issue, TILTING, seeks to take up themes that have animated the Blackwood’s program and mandate throughout the last several years: questions of connectivity, the challenges of public and private space, community and/in isolation; imperatives to re-structure modes and methodologies of care, including revaluing care work, confronting collective care responsibilities within colonial and capitalist structures, and engaging with the infrastructures, aesthetics, contestations, and radical possibilities of mutual aid; responses to the precarization of art, labour, and life; interest in what modes of knowledge production, circulation, and re-distribution are vital to us now, and how these networks might take new form. These urgencies continue to drive Blackwood programming (and this forthcoming publication), supporting and activating artists, curators, and writers who incite us to be responsive, critical, and answerable.