Welcome to the Free Online 36-day Introduction to the Anitafrika Method Artist Residency guided by d’bi.young anitafrika. The course runs from Day 0 Mon April 20 to Saturday May 30, 2020, with Sundays off and is divided into 3 Areas of Focus: Self-Recovery, Creativity and Community. The schedule consists of a daily Gratitude activity, mind-body wellness activity from a chosen integrative wellness Workbook, and a daily Anitafrika Method activity. There are three LIVE with d’bi sessions on Instagram daily: 10am, 1pm and 6pm where you can ask questions and participate in conversations with the rest of the artists-in-residence globally. This course is an introduction to the Anitafrika Method and offers exercises and activities that are appropriate for the online medium of instruction.
The Residency nurtures critical reflexivity as a decolonial tool in holistic healing, creativity and leadership within local and global community. The program is set to London UK time. You can join at any point during the Residency and substitute suggested activities with those of your choice. You can join @dbiyounganitafrika. To view individual Residency Days, click on Residency Days, then open the page menu and hover over Free Online Residency, where you will see all your options.
Week 1: Self Recovery - Mon April 20-Sat May 2
Week 2: Creativity - Mon May 4-Sat May 16
Week 3: Community - Mon May 18-Sat May 30
Culminating Ceremony - Saturday May 30, 2020
*The Anitafrika Method is copywritten to d’bi.young anitafrika. Beyond your own personal use, please do not appropriate or use this material for commercial gain
The Anitafrika Method is an anti-colonial performance praxis rooted in emancipatory Dub Poetry & Dub Theatre theory, emerging out of Jamaica. Created by d’bi.young anitafrika — inspired by (her mother) Anita Stewart’s 1985 Drama School Dissertation ‘Dubbin Theatre: Moving Dub Poetry Into a Theatrical Realm — the Anitafrika Method is a critical arts-based intervention that nurtures integrative self-recovery, creativity and leadership.